Group Counseling


Our group counseling service is a form of treatment that allows participants to learn about themselves and their relationships. It’s an ideal space to address personal difficulties because these are often shared by other members of the group.  Research shows that group therapy is one of the most effective and efficient methods for addressing concerns common to people seeking counseling services. Not only do group participants receive tremendous understanding, support and encouragement from others facing similar issues, but they also gain different perspectives, ideas and viewpoints on those matters.  All groups are conducted in a confidential manner, similar to individual counseling.

Benefits of Group Counseling

  • A significant benefit of group therapy includes not feeling as alone since others in the group will likely have experienced similar concerns. Most participants, though somewhat apprehensive at first, report that the group experience was helpful far beyond their expectations.
  • Group counseling is often an ideal treatment option. In a group counseling setting, you may feel better understood because you are able to interact with people who are trying to manage issues or concerns similar to yours. 
  • Our groups provide a space for giving and receiving feedback and support, allowing you to gain multiple perspectives, practice skills, try out new behaviors, and learn how to have more satisfying relationships.
  • Our support groups provide an atmosphere conducive to sharing your concerns with others whose lives are impacted by similar issues or concerns.
  • Our psychoeducational skills groups and workshops provide you with an opportunity to learn specific skills that are helpful for coping with your life challenges.
  • All groups are conducted in a confidential manner, similar to individual counseling.

Please see below for a list of our current group counseling offerings!

A three-session seminar designed to help increase your understanding, knowledge, and skills regarding anxiety.  The Anxiety Toolbox uses a cognitive behavioral framework to help you recognize and manage symptoms you may be experiencing.  The goal of the Anxiety Toolbox is to provide you with life-long tools you can use while facing anxiety-provoking situations.


Remember, this intervention is not intended to “get rid of” your anxiety.  While occasionally unpleasant, some anxiety can actually be helpful and motivating.  Our hope is that these three seminars provide you with a jumping board from which you can integrate skills into your daily life in the service of reducing anxiety.



Day & Time


Tuesdays 4 pm

              2/08, 2/15, & 2/22

Wednesdays 11 am

              2/16, 2/23, & 3/02

Wednesday 12 pm

    4/13, 4/20, & 4/27           

Thursdays 3pm

    3/24, 3/31, & 4/07



Additional times may be added as needed.  If you are interested in participating but your schedule cannot accommodate these times, please let us know.

Black Voices Matter is a virtual process/support group open to all Black-identified students, regardless of specific nationality or racial/ethnic background. The group engages in safe, inviting, and authentic discussion around students' experiences as Black and African American students on the SMU campus, as well as affirms the existence of and psychosocial impact of racism, all forms of marginalization, and systemic oppression that affect Black communities. 

Some topics that may be covered include race relations, career development, cultural appropriation, dating in the Black community, natural hair, code switching vs professionalism, systemic structures, health impacts on daily stress, etc. to name a few. Students are welcome to discuss all topics that are relevant to their experiences. 

A day and time will be chosen based on member availability.

For further information, contact Amber Caldwell MA, LPC at

As graduate students, balancing our personal and academic/professional lives can be stressful and challenging. Imagine what it might be like to live life more fully present and authentically. Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally, to whatever is arising inwardly and outwardly. Come join us in learning and experiencing various meditative practices.


TIME: Thursdays 11:00am-12:00pm

For further information, please contact Juli Hobdy, Ph.D. at or 214-768-2232.

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one or close friend, you are not alone. For some, grief can be incredibly challenging and thinking about having a conversation with others can feel like a monumental task. However, having a safe space to share experiences with someone who understands, learn new coping skills, have permission to grieve, and even feel a sense of hope, can be so powerful. The Grief and Loss Support Group is open to any SMU student who is working through a current or past loss. Group will be held weekly for one hour in hopes of providing a safe space to process through thoughts and feelings associated with these losses. The group will be an open process space and enrollment will be ongoing.
TIME: Mondays 2:00-3:00 pm
For more information, please call 214-768-2277. 

Are there some areas in your current or past relationships that you are hoping to improve? Have you wondered about things like gaslighting, communication skills, boundaries, and other touch points of those relationships? The Healthy Relationships Group is open to any SMU student who may be interested in improving their relationships. The group will provide a space for those in attendance to learn tips and strategies for successfully navigating relationships, gain support and feedback from peers, and begin to develop a better understanding of core beliefs, values, and life balance.

 The group will be held virtually on Thursdays at 3PM. 

Those who are interested can email Dr. Abel Tomatis at or Dr. Lindsey Seefeldt at to schedule a consultation.

The Overcoming Perfectionism Workshop is a four-session seminar designed to help increase your knowledge of perfectionism and how it differs from striving for excellence, deepen your understanding of how it affects people, and provides you with 12 different skills to help better manage unhealthy aspects of perfectionism.  The Overcoming Perfectionism Workshop uses a cognitive behavioral framework to help you recognize and manage symptoms you may be experiencing related to perfectionism. 
What do the four sessions cover?
Session #1: The first session provides an overview of what perfectionism is, the different types of perfectionism, how perfectionism can affect people, and the cycle of perfectionism that tends to occur.
Session #2: The second session focuses on skills designed to help you identify and challenge unhelpful perfectionist thinking.
Session #3: The third session teaches skills to help shift perfectionist behaviors, ways to improve your self-worth, and skills to help you stop comparing yourself to others.
Session #4: The fourth session focuses on skills to help replace self-criticism with self-compassion and encourages self-care.


Day & Time


Tuesdays 4 pm

3/29, 4/04, 4/12, & 4/19

Wednesdays 11 am

3/23, 3/30, 4/06, & 4/13

Thursdays 2 pm

2/17, 2/24, 3/03, & 3/10

      Fridays 10 am

    2/11, 2/18, 2/25, & 3/04

The workshop will be conducted virtually for the Fall 2021 semester.  Additional times may be added as needed.  If you are interested in participating but your schedule cannot accommodate these times, please let us know!

Description: We will be meeting on a weekly basis virtually to discuss common concerns among graduate and professional students, such as getting your dissertation and thesis done, preparing for job interviews after graduation, dealing with departmental politics, balancing your academic work with your life outside of school, and coping with impostor syndrome.  If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Dr. Harumi to schedule a pre-group consultation appointment. 

LOCATION: We will be meeting virtually via Zoom.  

TIME: TBD (based on interested students' schedule)

For further information, please contact Yu Harumi, Ph.D. at or 214-768-3211.

Looking to Host a Workshop?

Our Counseling Services staff members are available for consultation with individual students and student groups with regard to developing and implementing workshops, seminars, and class presentations. Campus organizations may also use consultations services for assistance in needs assessment, goal setting, as well as staff development and training activities.

Individuals and groups interested in finding out more about our consultation/outreach services may contact the Counseling Services at 214-768-2277.


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