Jan Term 2025 Courses

Most courses meet in-person for 8 class days, from Monday, January 6 - Thursday, January 16. Monday, January 13th, is a reading day (no class). A handful of online adapted courses (primarily language courses) are on an extended schedule, from Thursday, December 19, 2024 - Friday, January 17, 2025.

Students may enroll in one course in Jan Term (regardless of credit hour count).

**Course list and course details are subject to change.  For the most up-to-date information on courses, please refer to the schedule in my.SMU.

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Course Title Meetings University Curriculum Common Curriculum Faculty Course Description
ADV 1331Digital Media Landscapes9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Technological Advances and Society (TAS)Nicole Haddad
- nhaddad@see-sac.com
ADV 1341Marketing Principles of Adv9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakGary Orosy
- gorosy@mail.see-sac.com
ADV 1360Creative Production9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakMark Allen
- mjallen@see-sac.com
ADV 5302The Advertising Industry in Dallas9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakPeter Noble
- noble@see-sac.com
ADV 5303Design and Personality9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakAlan Lidji
- alidji@see-sac.com
ARHS 1313Intro Art Ancient Egypt9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Historical Contexts (HC)Stephanie Langin-Hooper
- langinhooper@see-sac.com
ARHS 3302Ancient Maya Art History9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Human DiversityAdam Herring
- aherring@see-sac.com
ASDR 1300Introduction to Drawing9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Creativity & Aesthetics (CA)Nishiki Sugawara-Beda
- nishikis@see-sac.com
ASPT 1300Introduction to Painting9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Creativity & Aesthetics (CA)Philip Van Keuren
- pvankeur@see-sac.com
BIOL 1300Biology for Liberal Arts9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Exploring Science (ES)Bianca Batista
- bbatista@see-sac.com
BIOL 1300Biology for Liberal Arts9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Exploring Science (ES)Carolyn Harrod
- charrod@see-sac.com
BL 3335Business Law9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakBarbara Kincaid
- bkincaid@see-sac.com
CEE 1331Meteorology9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Exploring Science (ES)Steven McCauley
- smccauley@see-sac.com
CHEM 1303General ChemistryONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Exploring Science (ES)Brian Zoltowski
- bzoltowski@see-sac.com
CHEM 1304General ChemistryONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Exploring Science (ES)Peng Tao
- ptao@see-sac.com
CHEM 3371Organic ChemistryONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17David Son
- dson@see-sac.com
CS 4340Stat Methods for Engineers9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakAshley Edison
- aedison@see-sac.com
DS 1300Practical Intro Data Science9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Technological Advances and Society (TAS)Charles South
- csouth@see-sac.com
EDU 2350Educational PsychologyONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Human DiversityJohnitha Johnson
- johnithaj@see-sac.com
FREN 1401Beginning French IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Caroline Grubbs
- cgrubbs@see-sac.com
FREN 1402Beginning French IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Omar Al-Rashdan
- oalrashdan@see-sac.com
HIST 2337US Sports History9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Historical Contexts (HC)Alexis McCrossen
- amccross@see-sac.com
HRTS 3341Failure of Humanity in Rwanda9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Human DiversityHerve Tchumkam
- htchumkam@see-sac.com
ITAL 1401Beginning Italian: First TermONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Daniele Forlino
- dforlino@see-sac.com
ITAL 1402Beginning Italian: Second TermONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Damiano Bonuomo
- bonuomo@see-sac.com
MATH 1309Calculus Busi-Social Sci9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Quantitative Reasoning (QR)Laurel Neustadter
- lneustadter@see-sac.com
MKTG 3340Fundamentals of Marketing9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCharles Besio
- cbesio@see-sac.com
MUHI 1302Music in World Societies9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Human DiversityKristina Nielsen
- kfnielsen@see-sac.com
OREM 2375Cult & Ethic Implic of Tech9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Technological Advances and Society (TAS)Gretchen Coleman
- gmiller@see-sac.com
OREM 3340Stat Mthds for Eng & Appd Sci9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakAshley Edison
- aedison@see-sac.com
PHIL 1305Introduction to Philosophy9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Philosophical, Religious & Ethical Inquiry (PREI)Philippe Chuard
- pchuard@see-sac.com
PSYC 1300Introduction to Psychology9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS)Michael Lindsey
- lindseym@see-sac.com
PSYC 2351Psychopathology9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakMary O'Boyle
- moboyle@see-sac.com
PSYC 3310Memory and Cognition9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakHolly Bowen
- hbowen@see-sac.com
SPAN 1401Beginning Spanish IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Gema Lopez Hevia
- glopezhevia@see-sac.com
SPAN 1401Beginning Spanish IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Allison Larkin
- ajlarkin@see-sac.com
SPAN 1402Beginning Spanish IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Sarah Bogard
- sbogard@mail.see-sac.com
SPAN 1402Beginning Spanish IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Miroslava Detcheva
- mdetcheva@mail.see-sac.com
SPAN 1402Beginning Spanish IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Saunders Joy
- jsaunders@mail.see-sac.com
SPAN 1402Beginning Spanish IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Binkowski Donna
- dbinkowski@mail.see-sac.com
SPAN 2401Intermediate Spanish IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI)Susana Fernandez-Solera
- adoboe@see-sac.com
STAT 4340Statistics for Engineers9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakAshley Edison
- aedison@see-sac.com
STAT 2331Intro Statistical MethodsONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Jessica Wickersham
- jwickersham@mail.see-sac.com
THEA 2311The Art of Acting9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Creativity & Aesthetics (CA)Reiko Aylesworth
- raylesworth@see-sac.com
UNIV 2349Mustang Emotional IQONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Francesca Go
- fgo@see-sac.com
WL 3341Failure of Humanity in Rwanda9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Human DiversityHistorical ContextsHerve Tchumkam
- htchumkam@see-sac.com
WL 3372Relocating Latino Cultures9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI); Oral Communication (OC); Human Diversity (HD)Leticia McDoniel
- mcdoniel@see-sac.com
WL 3381GrecoRoman World in Lit & Film9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI)Justin Germain
- jgermain@see-sac.com
AMAE 3387Principles of Creative Entrepreneurship and Attracting Capital9am - 4pm with an hour lunch breakCC: Oral Communication (OC); Creativity and Aesthetics (CA)James Hart
- jdhart@see-sac.com