Enrollment Services

Contact Us
If you do not reach a team member, please leave a voicemail including applicable such as a callback phone number,
student name (spelling can be helpful),
STABLE support ticket #,
and your request/question.
Online SupportTo open a new support ticket, please email manedesk@see-sac.com. If you have a support ticket that is still open, please reply to your STABLE notification with the ticket number in the subject line. This will update the existing ticket without creating a new one. If your ticket was closed, you will have received a completed ticket message. A new message to manedesk@see-sac.com would be needed in that case.
In-Person Support Located At
Laura Lee Blanton Building, Suite 101
First Floor Service Window
6185 Airline Road
Dallas, TX 75205
HoursFirst Floor Service Window
6185 Airline Road
Dallas, TX 75205
Monday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday | 10:00am-4:00pm
Thursday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Friday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday | 10:00am-4:00pm
Thursday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Friday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Student Resources
Undergraduate Academic Calendar
2024-25 Undergraduate Cost Sheet
Details on tuition, fees, and links to multiple resources related to 2024-25 costs and payments.
How to Make Payments
Video Guide
Enrollment Contacts
Who to contact when enrolling in a course for which a student is ineligible, the class is full, or the deadline to add has passed.
ABC Student Guide: my.SMU & SMUPay Authorization
A guide for students to authorize access to records, including financial, for a parent, guardian, contributor, or other third party.
my.SMU Student Guide: Account Summary
A guide for students on the recommended financial account summary to review charges and payments.
Student Guide for Direct Deposit Info
A guide for students to set up their preferred refund method with our third-party vendor ECSI/Heartland.
Pre-Orientation Resources
Helpful clarifications for incoming undergraduate students.
SMU Transcripts
SMU Degree Verifications
SMU Course Catalog
Withdrawal Contacts
Parent Resources
Guest Access to Orientation Campus Life Modules
Incoming undergraduate students are required to complete Campus Life Modules prior to enrollment. We highly recommend parents, guardians, and contributors review the modules, as well.
2024-25 Undergraduate Cost Sheet
Details on tuition, fees, and links to multiple resources related to 2024-25 costs and payments.