Welcome new Mustangs!
Below you will find a list of all required forms to submit prior to arriving on the Hilltop.
Below you will find a list of all required forms to submit prior to arriving on the Hilltop.
Click the button below to begin electronically signing the form. You may also download the Health History form to print, fill out, and send back to us. Forms should be emailed to healthcenter@see-sac.com or mailed to the following address:
All incoming students must comply with the following vaccination requirements. Attach official immunization record to the electronic Health History form or download the form and send a completed copy to your doctor for signature and stamp. Email signed forms to healthcenter@see-sac.com.
1. Meningitis vaccine (Menactra, Menveo, or MCV4) administered within the past 5 years. Texas State Law requires a meningitis vaccine for new students under the age of 22. Students over the age of 22 are exempt from this requirement. Proof of vaccination (or booster shot within the last 5 years) must be submitted to the Dr.Bob Smith Health Center prior to registering for classes.
2. Two doses of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccination
If you answer YES to any of the TB screening questions on the Health History form, you are REQUIRED to submit the results of a IGRA (recommended) or a PPD skin test from within the past 6 months. If you do not have one, you can obtain an IGRA or PPD skin test from your physician or public health clinic. Testing is also available at the SMU Student Health Center for a fee. Attach official TB Skin Test results to the electronic form or email to healthcenter@see-sac.com.
Allow a minimum of seven (7) business days for delivery if mailed from a location within the United States and two (2) business days if electronically submitted or emailed. If possible please submit at least two (2) weeks prior to your orientation/registration. SMU is not responsible for forms not received due to mail misdirected or lost in transit. Incomplete or illegible submissions cannot be processed.
The Dr. Bob Smith Health Center may provide vaccinations or a TB Skin Test, please contact the health center at 214-768-2141 for more information.
SMU has a Mandatory Health Insurance Policy which requires ALL students to maintain and document proof of current health insurance in mySMU every semester. Students must either enroll or waive the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) in mySMU, AFTER they enroll for classes each term.
We can administer allergy immunotherapy prescribed by an outside doctor. Injections can be continued on a schedule that has been established by your allergist or treating physician. Our guidelines require several pieces of documentation in order for our staff physicians to supervise the injections:
We will require these five pieces of documentation for all students who wish to receive continuous allergy immunotherapy at the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center. Initial injections should be given at your own physicians’ office. The health center will not initiate immunotherapy. If a student has an allergy gap of greater than 60 days, they should visit with their private physician prior to receiving an injection at the Health Center.