Who's Who Directory

Academic Records, Diplomas, and Transcript Area 

Melissa Kadlec  Associate Registrar 214.768.7268 mkadlec@see-sac.com

Academic Program Structure – Implementation and Maintenance
Implements and maintains academic organizational structure within my.SMU. Coordinates the onboarding and implementation of new programs offered by SMU GO.

Kolin Goldschmidt Program Manager 214.768.6775 kgoldschmidt@see-sac.com

Academic Records Services Team 
Processes and supports: academic standing-probation, suspension, dismissal; disciplinary standings-probation, suspension, dismissal; early/mid-term grading; end-of-term grading; grade changes; honors violations; repeat flags; Incomplete Agreements; Pass/Fail Agreements; honors and awards; test credits-AP & IB; transcript notations. 

Claudia Castillo Assistant Registrar, Academic Records 214.768.3516 cycastillo@see-sac.com
Mary Compian Academic Records Counselor  214.768.4116 mcompian@see-sac.com
Carolyn Maynard  Academic Records Counselor  214.768.6054 cmaynard@see-sac.com
Gabrielle Alovera
Academic Records Counselor  214.768.6076 galovera@see-sac.com
Diploma Services Team 
Processes and supports: application for candidacy to graduate; diploma ordering; prepare degree candidate/recipient section of the graduation brochures; awarding of degrees; Honor Roll (fall and spring); Latin Honors calculations (annual). 
Jackie Wilborn 
Schools: Lyle, UG, MSDS; DC, GR
Assistant Registrar, Diploma Services 214.768.2048 jwilborn@see-sac.com
Mary Compian 
Schools: Cox, UG and GR
Academic Records Counselor  214.768.4116 mcompian@see-sac.com
Gabrielle Alovera 
Schools: Meadows, UG and GR; Dedman School of Law 
Academic Records Counselor  214.768.6076 galovera@see-sac.com
Carolyn Maynard 
Schools: DC, UG; Perkins School of Theology
Academic Records Counselor  214.768.6054 cmaynard@see-sac.com
Claudio Castillo
Schools: The Guildhall; Simmons, UG and GR
Assistant Registrar, Academic Records Services  214.768.3516 cycastillo@see-sac.com
FERPA & Release of Education Records 
Responsible for oversight of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and related questions. 
Melissa Kadlec  Associate Registrar  214.768.7268 mkadlec@see-sac.com
Front Counter Services Team 
Responsible for oversight and daily operation of the Division of Enrollment Services counter, serving as liaison with other areas within the Division and other departments within the University. Assists students and guests in Blanton Services Building (i.e., transcript pickup, enrollment/degree certifications & biographical updates)
Jean Porter  Manager, Enrollment Services Counter  214.768.4059 jeanp@see-sac.com
Transcript Services Team 
Processes and supports: NSC Degree Verify submission; NSC Enrollment submission; NSC Transcript Ordering
Jean Porter  Manager, Enrollment Services Counter  214.768.4059 jeanp@see-sac.com
Luke Shatwell  Assistant Registrar for Academic Records  214.768.7137 lshatwell@see-sac.com
Enrollment & Curriculum Area (Enrollment, Scheduling, and Catalog) 
Mitzie Goff Director of Enrollment & Curriculum  214.768.3509 mgoff@see-sac.com
Biographical Updates Team 
Elizabeth Neel  Academic Records Counselor  214.768.2039 eneel@see-sac.com
Jean Porter  Manager, Front Counter Services  214.768.4059 jeanp@see-sac.com
Enrollment Services 
Manages and plans procedures for establishing and maintaining enrollment; Adds/Drops, Cancelations and Withdrawals; Enrollment Petitions
Amber Howell  Manager, Enrollment  214.768.2442 alhowell@see-sac.com
Enrollment Questions DESROEN@see-sac.com    
Curriculum & Scheduling Team 
Oversees and schedules rooms for academic courses. Works with academic department schedulers regarding scheduling of academic courses. Updates and maintains course catalog in my.SMU. Facilitates, edits and produces 9 academic catalogs for the University including the Undergraduate Catalog and catalogs for each of the 8 schools at SMU.
Darrah Rippy  Associate Registrar, Curriculum & Scheduling 214.768.1156 drippy@see-sac.com
Elizabeth Neel  Academic Records Counselor  214.768.2039 eneel@see-sac.com
Meg Scott Catalog Editor 214.768.3094 mhscott@see-sac.com
Transfer Services, Academic Ceremonies, Visiting Student Services, Certification Services
Steven Morales  Associate Registrar  214.768.7427 stevenmorales@see-sac.com
 Academic Ceremonies Team 
 Responsible for planning and executing Opening Convocation, Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate, May and December Commencements, December Rotunda Recessional and Spring Rotunda Passage. 
Caty Rambo Coordinator of Student Support Services 214.768.1957 ramboc@see-sac.com
Certification Services Team 
Processes and supports certification services including course description, degree and enrollment certifications
Meghan Budig   Assistant Registrar  214.768.4350 mabudig@see-sac.com
Mary Compian  Academic Records Counselor  214.768.4116 mcompian@see-sac.com
Carolyn Maynard  Academic Records Counselor  214.768.6054 cmaynard@see-sac.com
Gabrielle Alovera Academic Records Counselor  214.768.6076 galovera@see-sac.com
Readmitted Student Services 
Responsible for the application processing and readmission of returning students
Alyssa Martin  Coordinator of Readmission and Transfer Services  214.768.4712 amparrish@see-sac.com
Transfer Credit Services Team 
Responsible for facilitating the evaluation of transfer credit for new, continuing and readmitted students by working with various offices on campus to ensure that all transferable courses that meet the academic standards and policies set forth for transfer credit at SMU are applied to a student’s academic record. 
Meghan Budig  Assistant Registrar  214.768.4350 mabudig@see-sac.com
Mary Compian
Caseload: A, B, C, I ,J, Q, R, U ,W
Academic Records Counselor  214.768.4116 mcompian@see-sac.com
Gabrielle Alovera
Caseload: H, K, L, M, O, P, V, Y
Academic Records Counselor  214.768.6076 galovera@see-sac.com
Carolyn Maynard 
Caseload: D, E, F, G, N, S, T, X, Z
Academic Records Counselor  214.768.3619 cmaynard@see-sac.com
 Veterans Affairs (VA) Services Team 
 Responsible for certifying students using VA benefits including the Post 9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon
214.768.2507 VABenefits@see-sac.com
Meghan Budig  Assistant Registrar  214.768.4350 mabudig@see-sac.com
Steven Morales Associate Registrar  214.768.7427 stevenmorales@see-sac.com
Caty Rambo  Coordinator of Student Support Services  214.768.1957 ramboc@see-sac.com
Information Systems 
Joe Papari  Director of Enrollment Services for Student Systems and Technology 214.768.2056 jpapari@see-sac.com
Academic Advisement, Degree Planner & Curriculum Support 
The team is led by Monica Cordero, e-mail: desaa@see-sac.com. Provides setup and technology support for the Degree Progress Report (DPR) and Degree Planner. Also maintains the Inventory of Approved Academic Programs. 
Monica Cordero  Assistant Registrar for Curriculum Management  214.768.4483 mcordero@see-sac.com
Jodie Rexroat  Business System Analyst for Academic Advisement, Athletic Certification & Data Reporting 214.768.4214 jrexroat@see-sac.com
Cherry Domingo Business System Associate for Academic Advisement, Data Reporting & Technology  214.768.8039 cdomingo@see-sac.com
Weston Simmons  Manager for Degree Planner  214.768.6074 westons@see-sac.com
Athletic Certification
The team is led by David Bell, e-mail: desathl@see-sac.com. Certifies student athletes’ academic eligibility for competition, produces team eligibility reports and the Academic Performance Program reports for the NCAA. Provides setup and technology support for the Student Organization & Travel system.
David Bell Assistant Registrar for Data Quality & Reporting, Athletic Certifications 214.768.1477 bell@see-sac.com
Andy Frye  Manager, Imaging Services for DES and RO, Athletic Certifications 214.768.7833 afrye@see-sac.com
Jodie Rexroat  Business System Analyst for Academic Advisement, Athletic Certification & Data Reporting 214.768.4214 jrexroat@see-sac.com
Data Quality & Reporting 
The team is led by David Bell, e-mail: desroor@see-sac.com. Produces ad hoc query reports based on student data. Provides technical support to monitor data relationships and accuracy.
David Bell  Assistant Registrar for Data Quality & Reporting, Athletic Certifications
 214.768.1477 bell@see-sac.com
Cherry Domingo  Business System Associate for Academic Advisement, Data Reporting & Technology  214.768.8039 cdomingo@see-sac.com
Jodie Rexroat  Business System Analyst for Academic Advisement, Athletic Certification & Data Reporting 214.768.4214 jrexroat@see-sac.com
Imaging System 
The team is led by Andy Frye, e-mail: desimages@see-sac.com. Provides setup and technical support for Perceptive Content and Admin Images. SMU for Enrollment Services and the Provost area. Assists with implementing imaging systems for Academic Dean Offices and with coordinating application version upgrades.
Andy Frye  Manager, Imaging Services for DES and RO 214.768.7833 afrye@see-sac.com
Paley Wu Senior Assistant Registrar  214.768.1270 pwu@see-sac.com
SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System)
The team is led by David Bell, e-mail: dessevis@see-sac.com. Provides setup and technology support for SEVIS which tracks and monitors the international students and exchange visitors at SMU. 
David Bell Assistant Registrar for Data Quality & Reporting, Athletic Certifications 214.768.1477 bell@see-sac.com
Andy Frye  Manager, Imaging Services for DES and RO 214.768.7833 afrye@see-sac.com
Communications and Technology
The team is led by Paley Wu, e-mail: deswebtech@see-sac.com. Develop and maintain department sites and custom web applications for Division of Enrollment Services, also serve as IT Liaison. 
Paley Wu Senior Assistant Registrar  214.768.1270 pwu@see-sac.com
Cherry Domingo Business Systems Associate for Academic Advisement, Data Reporting & Technology 214.768.8039 cdomingo@see-sac.com
FERPA & Release of Education Records
This team is led by David Bell, email: desferpa@see-sac.com. Provides setup and technology support for Release of Education Records which students use to allow their parents (relations) access to all or some of their education records.
David Bell Assistant Registrar for Data Quality & Reporting, Athletic Certifications
214.768.1477 bell@see-sac.com
Jodie Rexroat  Business System Analyst for Academic Advisement, Athletic Certification & Data Reporting
214.768.4214 jrexroat@see-sac.com
Student Records Systems Team 
Provides setup and technology support for these functions in the Registrar’s office: academic calendar, academic structures, scheduling and enrollment, academic records, grading, diplomas, transcripts, certifications, and transfer credits. Tests quarterly updates and fixes cycles as well as upgrades. Designs and implements new student records functionality with assistance from OIT developers. Also, provides users with policy/procedure documentation. 
Cho Kim  Assistant Registrar for Enrollment Support  214.768.4393 desrot@see-sac.com
Luke Shatwell  Assistant Registrar for Academic Records  214.768.7137 desrot@see-sac.com
Meghan Budig  Assistant Registrar for Transfer Services  214.768.4350 desrot@see-sac.com
Registrar's Office Leadership Team: 
Bobby Lothringer  University Registrar & Executive Director Enrollment Services  214.768.3531 rlothringer@see-sac.com
Joe Papari  Director of Enrollment Services for Student Systems and Technology  214.768.2056 jpapari@see-sac.com
Steven Morales  Associate Registrar of Transfer  214.768.7427 stevenmorales@see-sac.com
Mitzie Goff Director of Enrollment & Curriculum 214.768.3509 mgoff@see-sac.com
Melissa Kadlec  Associate Registrar for Academic Records  214.768.7268 mkadlec@see-sac.com
Darrah Rippy  Associate Registrar, Curriculum & Scheduling  214.768.1156 drippy@see-sac.com